Monday, November 2, 2009
Critical Mass
I understand that people ride their bikes as a means of transportation. Good for you. There are also people who walk and ride transit.
But why does critical mass feel the need to inconvenient those who are contributing to the greater good of the rest of san francisco?
Example #1 - walking down 2nd street to watch my bus. Not in any hurry. In fact, at this point you can think of me as someone who walks to work. The white man appears on the other side of the street and I can't cross. I try. And try. And the second that I put my foot in the street I need to retract it within second to avoid being run over by a bike.
Now I understand that they are trying to prove a point, or that @ a point in their history they were attempting, but seeing them act a fool made me loose all respect to them.
Red lights aren't only for cars, they are for anyone using the traffic lane. And to add to it, if they want more respect shouldn't they act more respectful?
Example#2 - finally on the bus, ridding down market to get to the cable car. Not rare when I stay at work late...
I get on the bus after weaving through cyclist only to have the attack all lanes of market. Again, I think I understand their quest, but why punish those who are ridding the bus. Maybe some of us don't know how to ride a bike. Or don't have a place to store one. Or for whatever reason they just don't ride a bike. Are we muni riders supposed to suffer and not be able to get home because of the bus people?
I wish someone could explain to me the point behind riding around san francisco and causing hell for everyone. I see that they are trying to make a point but maybe if they were more vocal about their cause or nicer to people they might get more respect.
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Wednesday, October 14, 2009
Driving to work
I have been bad and driving to work. I don't know why but it really makes a difference. I save about 15 minutes when I drive to work but it also costs me $10 each time + gas! Now that I am street parking I think I need to rely less on the car and more on the bus. I also with the 12 came a lot more frequently, but I can't argue because it usually comes on time. Unless something goes wrong.
Last night, it only took me 15 minutes to get home instead of the usual 25 because no one was waiting for the bus to stop so it was like being on an express bus. and i loved it! i wish my commute was like that all the time
Tuesday, October 13, 2009
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New adventure
My bag is soaking wet and it is now sitting on my lap. Not cool. And my jeans are soaked up to about knee high. Thank god I wore boots today. And I think there is water on my seat so my ass is getting soaked too!
This lady got on the bus and went to shake her umbrella and she shook it in another girls face - not even realizing she was there!
Plus the bus smells of wet dog and other smells that you'll thank me later for not describing.
I thought about driving to work today but figured it would be too much work looking for parking around 7 when I get home.
Haha! This lady just grabbed the handrail on the bus with a tissue. Makes me wish I had a camera phone.
and another day has placed her bag on a seat - did she not see the muni fight last week?
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Monday, October 5, 2009
I dislike Monday
I don't know if it is the Monday morning bus ride or the fact I have to get out my warm bed but I don't care for Monday morning.
I am sitting on the bus this morning listening to a girl talk about her roommate drama with her mom - I am assuming.
I used to remember those days when Nicole and I would disagree on things, nothing serious of course but enough to ruffle my feathers.
But since I've moved into my own place I don't have those Monday morning bus ride conversations. Now I get to hang out with Nicole without any disagreements. Its nice.
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Wednesday, September 2, 2009
Please shower before ridding muni
And I think people who have their toddler take up a seat on a full bus should put their child in their lap!
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Wednesday, August 26, 2009
The cops
The cop was a prick and didn't want to back up for the bus since another vehicle was blocking the right lane.
Ok I don't know a thing about city law, muni rights and how the cops operate (I try to avoid them at all costs) but I would think that a bus full of people on their way to work to pay city taxes has more of a right away then a cop driving a large suv with only 1 person in it.
Now I don't want you to think that I am anti-gas guzzler, because I really don't care, but I think the cop wanting to have the right away over a group of people is just selfish.
Now I am on the bus and have secured a seat. I am sitting between two guys. One is ina suit the other in an itchy wool sweater that keeps rubbing against me.
Oh and to make things worse, they are both sitting with their elbows out so I keep getting elbowed on either side. The polite thing to do is to tuck your arms in but apparently suit and itchy sweater didn't get the memo.
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Wednesday, August 12, 2009
Muni you ruined my shoes
My heels are ruined. Going to call cole haan to see if they can be repaired.
I get to the bus stop and still have to wait. If I wouldve just walked, I wouldn't have ruined my shoes and I'd still be on the bus. Dammit!
On the good side, we have a few more windows open on this bus than usual. Thank the lord.
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Monday, August 10, 2009
Not PC
I don't understand why chinese people insist on standing in the middle of the street waiting for the bus. I just don't get it. Then they walk to the other corner and wait there starring anxiously.
Now I am not a mini expert I've only been riding for about a year now but I do know that standing in the middle of the street and standing on the opposite corner does not make the bus come any faster.
If anyone knows the answer to this please let me know! It has been one of the biggest mysteries for me since I've been riding muni.
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Friday, August 7, 2009
The hot guy on the bus
So I am on the bus and this guy keeps staring at me. Yes! He's not my type but he could very easily be.
I keep looking up from my book and every time he's staring at me.
Well then I realize that he's looking at the bay and the bay bridge in all its glory.
Ahhh, there's always next time
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Thursday, August 6, 2009
On crowded buses....
Ok people for starters my purse is a bag. A big fucking heavy ass bag. I dare you to steal it! The bag will take you out before you even try running with it.
And let's be honest we're in San Francisco, so when a guy gets rubbed in the butt I think his first thought isn't about his wallet, he's thinking that he's just been violated.
The point I was trying to get to was tourists. I wonder if they are really worried about their belongings when they get on a bus. I remember being in Italy and using their public transportation and protecting my belongings but I wonder if the people who live there protect theirs on a daily basis.
Maybe its because I ride buses to the nice neighborhoods and the only thing I need to worry about is the smell in China town.
Speaking of which ( and yes. I do realize this is a terrible ramble) they want to build and under ground from china town to soma.
Does china town really need another method of transportation catered to china town. They estimate that it would take 7 minutes to get from the start to the end, which would be nice but only if it was underground. But then think about the smell from all the pink bags, dripping, leaking and being left below ground where the sun don't shine.
I am very much against the idea of adding another line in chinatown especially since muni has cut back and limited so many of the lines that it currently runs. My don't they make certain bus routes better before they start building news ones?
Ahh muni I love you.
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Wednesday, August 5, 2009
I really need to get back on my 8am bus so much better. I've figured out that I can get on a later bus and still make it to work on time but it isn't worth this shit!
And people get on with their fishing poles? What is that about? In some citing certain things of that nature aren't allowed on commuter or rush hour transit. take bart for example I think they have certain trains that do allow bikes during peek hours.
It is only a matter of time before a packed bus let's someone with a fishing pole on and someone loses and eye.
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Tuesday, August 4, 2009
Smell of the day
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More dilf
Hella tried today and I don't know why, been tired all week actually. Hmmm.
Newsletter goes out this morning thank god and now I can focus on other projects at work. Running today at lunch and taking it easy tonight - I hope.
Its a beautiful day in SF believe it or not I'm wearing shorts! In july shocking for san francisco.
Oh and this girl got on the bus this morning with not 1 not 2 but 3 bags! Wtf does someone need three bags for?
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Monday, August 3, 2009
Dilf sighting
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Friday, July 31, 2009
Yay for Friday
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Thursday, July 30, 2009
Bag lady
Plus, I needed to pack stuff for the gym and my lunch. Needless to say, I have a lot of shit with me today.
I ran to the bus this morning. Not just my normal jog but a full on run. At least I caught the bus, the next one was 15 minutes out. As much as I like this bus because it picks me up a block from my place and drops me off almost across the street from my office, it doesn't come very frequently.
Its hot as hell on this bus, why don't people open windows? Do they enjoy the hot humid bus and breathering other people germs? It doenst help that the windows aren't the easiest ones to open.
I wanted to tell you how last night taking the bus home was an adventure.
I was waiting for the 12 since I was going to Melissa's for dinner. I couldn't decided if I want the 10 or the 12 since I still needed to stop and pick somethings up at the market.
Traffic starts to back up and I can see the 10 bus but not the 12. The bus was slightly pulled away from the curb so I ran up and tapped on the door. Well the bus driver just starred at me. Then she let me.
She proceeds to yell @ me about how stupid I was and that I could've been hit. That SF is one of the most dangerous places and that people get hit all the time doing what I had just done. Great - getting yelled at by a muni driver.
I start to think I shouldve just waited for the 12. So what shouldve been a quick trip to the 1 in the findis we get stuck in traffic with crazy bus lady. A big rig was on its 4th attempt backing into a delivery enterence of a building. Traffic was blocked up for 3 blocks in each direction. And he was still trying to back it in. Now we are talking about a 1 way street with access to the bridge, so you can image the demand for people to get thru.
He finally stopped his multiple attemps and let some people get thru. Who knows if he ever made it.
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Wednesday, July 29, 2009
The girl with two big bags
However when riding muni one has to be careful about her bags and the ease of getting around with them. ( There is a point to this story, please be patient)
Recently I upgraded to an extra large bag and it holda everything. From my lunch to my palnner to my gym clothes and make up, I am a one bag kind of girl.
It shocks me to see girls on the bus with two big bags. They can barley naviagate where they are going snacking people along the way. I'd you want to make it even worse, add a backpack and an oversized bag. So while they are pushing and shoving they are also whacking people with their backpack.
Being short, it isn't uncommon for me to take a backpack straight to the face.
The girl across from me almost whipped out a small asian man as she sat down, forgetting she had a large pink bag on her shoulder.
Oh the other thing that gets me is coughing on the bus and not covering your mouth. It is the right thing to do. You cough and you put your hand over your mouth. But not on SF public transportation.
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Tuesday, July 28, 2009
No DILF today
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Wheels on the bus
With SARs, Swine, the common cold and flu, why do people insist on sitting on a bus with all the windows closed? It's like being stuck on an airplane, well on an airplane they circulate the air.
I had another eventful morning of running to the bus. I really wanted to make sure I packed a breakfast (yogurt and blueberries) for the office, which left me with about 2 minutes according to nextmuni ( so I ran down three flights on stairs and up Leavenworth to catch my bus. So glad I made it.
While the 12 is super convient for me to take to the office, if you miss it - your screwed.....
Speaking of the 12 I hear they are suggesting taking it off the embarcedro and into the findis. If this bus start going thru the heart of china town. I don't know what I would do. When I took the new job with Demandforce ( I was excited that I could take a bus that went around china town. While I have nothing against the people who inhabit Chinatown, I feel that the neighbor is gross. The smell, the trash, the pushing and shoving, that's just not me. But I have been told that if you want good produce go to Chinatown.
Another day in fogland, that is a benefit to working in SOMA, I increase the chances of seeing the sun. Woohoo!
For now I'm signing off unless something exciting happens between now and the office, you never really know....
Oh the joys of muni
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Monday, July 27, 2009
no phone = no blog today
Got back to SF late last night and parked my car on the street. Since I don't have a city parking permit(add "things to do") I had to get up this morning, walk to my car, and go put it in the garage 5 blocks away. i grabbed my oversized gold tote and walked, more like ran, to the bus.
leaving my phone on the passenger seat of my car. joy.
happy monday folks. and don't forget to take my survey.
Friday, July 24, 2009
Friday Fun
I have found that the later you take the bus during morning commute hours the more packed the bus gets. Also, they type of people change completly. Usually on my 755/8 am bus there are people all dressed up and look like they are off to come super corporate job.
This morning, and yes I realize it's Friday, people are much more casual. But that isn't just because its Friday. I scan the people around me and not one of them isn't in jeans.
I think it rained last night -smells like it did. Everyone is bundled up including myself.
No windows open on the bus and I could open 1 without pushing my chest into someones face for once, but the temperature is just right.
When I first moved to SF I used to wear flip flops to work all the time. But then my toes would always freeze waiting for the bus. I invested in some adorable cole haans that keep my toes nice and warm. Looking at the other people on the bus I can only wonder how many of them have cold feet.
About every other person on this bus has some form of open toe shoes on and it makes me want to ask "are your toes cold"
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Thursday, July 23, 2009
Broken Muni
As I wait on the cornern feeling the mist from this morning's fog I can only anticpate the arrival of my bus. There is a sense of excitment when you arrive at the bus stop onlu seconds before the bus arrives.
I can see the bus approaching at its previous stop. But it's not moving. Then I see the driver get off the bus and walk to the back. Great. Another day of a broken down bus. So I wait. And wait.
It finally starts moving again and right behind it is another 12. Which bus to get on? Do I get on the broken bus that is moving now and take the chance that it may break again between here and my office? Or do I take the other bus hoping that it stops?
Oh a positive note, my dilf is on the bus. He rides the bus to work with his adorable daughter and her Disney princess backpack on wheels. He doesn't wear a ring and is really attentive to his daughter so I assume he's single. Or he just let's me think that for my own pleasure. I have yet to get his name but I have exchanged a few conversations with him here and there. Bus love.
Ohh the joys of muni
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Wednesday, July 22, 2009
So I walk quickly uphill four blocks - still sore from my work out last night and my uphill hike home.
As I walk I see the 1-California go by. Fuck. Ok they come pretty frequently so I wait for the next one.
Well the next one takes forever to get to the stop. Then it doesn't stop. Great.
Now I'm on a bus, standing, pretty sure ill be strolling into the office a tad late.
There were two cute asian kids playing together while waiting for the bus. They reminded me of me and kyle when we were younger.
Ok why are no windows open on this bus? I'd open one but I'd rather not have his face in my chest. The girl next to him has a beautiful ring and band. But she just got off the bus in CTown good luck!
I made it to the findis. Woohoo halfway there, now to catch the 10. There is always a sense of excitment when riding Muni$ you never know what is going to happen or how long it is really going to take to get you there. It really is a love hate relationship. The sense of excitment you feel when you catch a bus you think your going to miss or when you outsmart muni and get there just as soon by taking an alternate route.
On the 10 now and headed toward Soma. The driver has the heater on as if we were in Chicago in the middle of a blizzard.
Ahh the joys of riding MUNI.
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